IL-8, NAFLDAbstract
Backgrounds: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition of fat accumulation in the liver without excessive alcohol consumption (<20 grams per week). Known risk factors for NAFLD are obesity, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Excess fat deposits in hepatocyte cells trigger acute injury causing liver cells to release acute phase proteins in the form of IL-6 and alpha TNF which are potent stimuli for the synthesis of IL-8. IL-8 recruits neutrophils to release various types of enzymes and cause more severe damage to liver tissue.
Aim : To determine association of serum Interleukin 8 level with NAFLD and other marker associate with NAFLD.
Method: This study was a cross-sectional study aimed at assessing differences in serum IL-8 levels between groups of NAFLD patients and the control group. Study samples are patients diagnosed with NAFLD by an ultrasound examination aged ≥ 18 years at Adam Malik General Hospital Medan & FK USU Hospital started from April to July 2018.
Results: Of the 60 subjects, they are divided into 2 groups; 30 subjects in the NAFLD group and 30 subjects in the NAFLD group. The mean serum IL-8 level in the NAFLD group was 45.3 ± 17.66 pg / ml and the control group was 17.6 ± 5.03 pg / ml.
Conclusion: There were statistically significant (p<0,01) differences in serum IL-8 levels between the case group (NAFLD patients) and the control group (healthy subjects).