Method of Sustainable Product Development through Nature-Inspired Form.
Nature-inspired Form, Bio mimicry, Sustainability, Design, Materials, Abstract Form.Abstract
Throughout the initial days of documented history, human beings‘ designed’ things by looking at nature. In our days, the use of nature in design has become more systematic and detailed. Although as old as humanity itself, use of nature especially in the field of design, still offers novelty and often brings success in solving problems in a sustainable way. Nature has always been a source of inspiration for humankind. Since early years people used to observe and study nature in order to find answers and solutions to several of their daily problems. The practice of imitating the models, systems, and elements of nature in order to solve problems of our daily life is called Bio-mimicry or Biometric. The purpose of this study is to explain how nature can be a source of inspiration for designing and developing a product, and by selecting suitable materials and production techniques, create a new functional product.